Upcoming publications
Schievink, P. (accepted) “Conceptualising Asklepieia in the Greek world: diversity and agencies in foundation narratives of Asklepieia and their influence across time.” Pharos
Upcoming presentations
International PhD Days (OIKOS, University of Oxford, LMU Munich) 19-21st of March
Paper to present: Identifying the Asklepieion of Pheneos and the staging of religious atmospheres
Echoes of Change. Exploring the Dynamics of Religious Atmospheres, 15-17th of May,
Paper to present: Creating an atmosphere of exemplarity in the Asklepieion of Kos: ephebic rituals and the educational function of the sanctuary.
Upcoming conference
Religious Temporalities and the Ancient City, Groningen, 15-16 May
Organised by Christina Williamson, Sofie Remijsen and Pim Schievink
Schievink, P. “How perceivers shape objects: three cases of human-object relationships in ancient Greek sanctuaries of Asklepios.” Fortid Studentenes Historietidsskrift University of Oslo 20, no. 2 (2023): 78-85
Shievink, P. 2023 “Research introduction: Creating complex sacred spaces. Experience, agency and multivocality in Hellenistic Asklepieia (fourth-first century BC)” Tijdschrift voor Mediterrane Archeologie https://tijdschrift.mediterrane-archeologie.nl/TMA68/
Schievink, P. 2023 “Asklepieion of Kos” Database of Religious History https://dx.doi.org/10.14288/1.0431147
Schievink, P. 2022 “Continuïteit in het heiligdom van Asklepios in Epidauros Verkenning van ideeën over verval na 146 v.Chr.”. Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis (https://www.aup-online.com/content/journals/10.5117/TvG2022.1.002.SCHI).
XXth International Congress of Classical Archaeology (CIAC), 3-9 June 2024
Paper co-written with dr. Christina Williamson: Ephemeral rituals and urban timescapes: object memory and social histories at sanctuaries of Asklepios in Epidauros and Pergamon
OIKOS Day 31th of May 2024
Paper co-written with dr. Christina Williamson: Ephemeral rituals and urban timescapes: object memory and social histories at sanctuaries of Asklepios in Epidauros and Pergamon
U4/Enlight Winter school: “Big and small, global and local”, 11-16th of March 2024
Presented paper: The Asklepieion of Epidauros as a federal sanctuary for the Achaean Koinon?
OIKOS text-in-context day, Aristophanes’ Wealth. Groningen, 15 December 2023
Presented paper: Experiencing Asklepieia: reacting towards the social and physical environment in sanctuaries of Asklepios.
The Many Faces of Artemis Conference Groningen September 2023
Round table discussion on Greek religion. Chair of the session “Artemis in the Peloponnese”
OIKOS course ‘Sanctuaries and the Sacred’ May 2023
Presented paper: Identifying the Asklepieion of Pheneos
CRASIS Masterclass 2023 ‘Sensing, Making, Relating: Ontologies of the Divine’ (20-02-2023)
Presented paper: Constructing the sacred on Kos: voices, practices and experiences in the Asklepieion of Kos during the Hellenistic period
University of Uppsala and Agora network workshop: More than a place of worship: complexity at sacred sites in the ancient world (08-12-2022).
Presented paper: Constructing the sacred on Kos: voices, practices and experiences in the Asklepieion of Kos during the Hellenistic period.
HIERON winter meeting 2022 (06-12-2022).
Presented paper: Creating complex sacred spaces: tracing experience, agency and multivocality in Hellenistic Asklepieia (4th century BC – 1st century BC).
Co-organiser HIERON (Network for the Study of Ancient Greek Sanctuaries) Spring Meeting 2021: Asking about Asklepios: reconstructing the many faces of the healing god (06-05-2021)
Presented paper: Creating complex sacred spaces: tracing experience, agency and multivocality in Hellenistic Asklepieia (4th century BC – 1st century BC).
U4/Enlight: Nature and Culture (23/24-04-2021)
Presented paper: Snakes and Asklepios: the role(s) of stories of migrating snakes.
Brown Bag Seminar – Ancient History Research Collective of the University of Groningen (11-01-2021)
Presented paper: Tracing multivocality in Hellenistic Asklepieia
Classical, Medieval and Early modern studies conference: Appealing to higher powers. The intermingling of the natural and supernatural worlds in the Premodern times (06-06-2019)
Presented paper: Dreaming epiphanies: a cognitive approach on healing dreams in the Asklepios sanctuary of Epidauros in the 4th century BC.